Monday, March 19, 2012

Best. Idea. Ever.

Or at least, today's best idea.

The other day I was having a conversation about how someone needs to write a bunch of sensitive acoustic folk singer-songwriter type music with the lyrics in Klingon. During said conversation, I said that I would totally do it myself, if I were able to sing and play, or sing, or write.

And then, just out of curiosity, I looked up the Klingon dictionary on Amazon. And it was less than a dollar.

So... I got an email today saying it had been shipped.

Now, I'm half committed to writing a Klingon song about some shit. But I want to clarify that I'm NOT learning Klingon. Because I like not having to sleep alone every night. I don't like to buy in to stereotypes, but let's be honest.

As far as this post's title... let me elaborate. After I receive said Klingon dictionary, and dabble a bit with it:

I need to buy a banjo.

There. That's the idea. Friggin Klingon banjo music! Right??

Je suis désolé que je n'aie pas écrit en français pour ce sujet. La prochaine fois.


  1. Oui! S'il vous plaît laisser cela se produire! :) Srsly! You have to do it now. I'm holding you to it!!! :D

  2. I would TOTALLY still sleep with my husband if he learned Klingon - in fact, sweet nothings in Klingon would probably work better ;)

  3. Yeah, you say that *now*... And it would be fine for a while. He'd be all, "snarl snarl *choking sound*" and you'd be all "aww! I love you too!" But after it sinks in, he'd be all "snarl...? Cough choke snarl??" And you'd be all "I can't believe you speak tlhIngan Hol*. Dweeb. WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO OUR MARRIAGE??"

    *Note: because by then, you'd know that's what the language is called within the language. Mostly due to the inevitable process of osmosis.
