Wednesday, June 13, 2012

apprendre en pratiquant

^ that's what I should be doing...

this last month and a half has been bad for my frenching. and blogging. but I've abandoned my facebook to float aimlessly in the cyberseas without me at the helm. so I won't be wasting time with that bullshit any more.

Being someone who appreciates a touch of irony, I made sure to post about my dissatisfaction of the whole "facebook scene" on fb. It wasn't whiny. I went with tongue-in-cheek, instead. Because I don't feel particularly whiny about it. But I do feel rather tongue-in-cheek about it.

I'm using my phone, with swype, to write this entry. i typed "tongue-in-cheek" and the phone changed it to "tongue-in-cheryl." Naughty naughty, phone.

Je suis dehors, maintenant. Quelqu'on chante l'hymne national. Elle embellit - exagère, même - cette chanson. Mais je suppose qu'elle s'amuse. Au moins, elle est assez bonne chanteuse.

Cette entrée est fini. Je n'ai rien de plus à dire. Quand j'ai commencé à l'écrire, je n'ai rien eu à dire...

J'y vais donc.

I'm a bit out of practice, so I hope that's all correct... Especially the English. Because that would be really embarrassing...